Saturday, October 10, 2009

Who Loves Marshmallows??

...Four year olds do!!! This is for all you Primary Teachers out there who teach young children. It works amazingly!!! If you have any trouble at all keeping their attention during the lesson or "trying" to keep them quiet...PLEASE read on...

So what you do is, first, get enough clear plastic cups, one for each child. Then write each of their names on their cup. Visibly so that the child can clearly see which cup is theirs. Line the cups up on the table in front of the class. Begin teaching. Simple right? =)

As the children behave by sitting quietly, answering questions, reading along (depending on how old they are), drop a marshmallow in their cup. Believe me, after a couple children receive their "treat", the rest of them will be good the rest of the time. They start to realize how to get their treat and when they act reverently and participate, they see instant gratification. Works much better than the traditional, "If you behave we'll have treats after class." I know I have tried using this, works for about two minutes until they lose focus again. This way, they can see the direct results from their actions! Of course you don't have to use marshmallows, but we found it works well and not as much the kids won't get so hyper like regular candy. I hope this helps and good luck!

I LOVE kids!! =D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

painting, painting, and MORE PAINTING!!

We keep very busy!!

I can't wait until it's all done! It will look so nice!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beautiful Sunbeams

Tyler and I recently got called to be team-teachers for the Sunbeams! I love kids!! We have a total of ten little 3-4 yr olds. They are definitely a hand full. The first Sunday (last week) was insane. We were in charge of keeping these "monsters" quiet and reverent in primary, but they didn't give us a roster or anything!! You try telling someone to sit still when you don't even know their name! It was quite a challenge. However, I love every minute of it. Tyler, on the other hand =)...said, "We are NOT having kids for a while!" Haha he's so funny, watching him learn patience with ten 3 yr olds. We'll be good and practiced for our own someday!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Summer 2009!!

WOW!! This summer has been crazy! We just bought our first house!! YAY =)...So lately we've been busy painting. We work so much that I don't even have one whole room painted yet...oops hehe. It's going to be a LONG process!

I finally got a new car! ...well truck ;). It's a Toyota Tacoma, year 2000. I love it! It has air-conditioning!! (My other car didn't. You try living in AZ at 115F and no a/c) And it's not duck-taped!! WAHOO!! haha...Tyler and I took a trip to Las Vegas this January and the top of the convertible blew off! So we had to tape it! Talk about ghetto! haha

We also went on vacation this summer to UT to see mi familia!! I LOVE and MISS them a lot! It was loads of fun! We stayed a week in Park City at our Westgate resort. We also took Tyler to Lagoon for his first time ;).